
Showing posts from August, 2024

Thank You 2024 Sponsors and Exhibitors!

       Thank You Sponsors & Exhibitors The 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology meeting is taking place now in Chicago, United States. The exciting program ( includes career and technology sessions, networking events, as well as talks and poster presentations from trainees, new investigators and leaders in the field. On behalf of the ISEH Board of Directors, volunteers and staff, we'd like to thank our 2024 sponsors and exhibitors, seen below. We hope to see you all again in 2025! Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by 1R13HL176038-01 from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply

2024 Interview Spotlight Series: Part IV

This week on Simply Blood we are closing out our Interview Spotlight Series. In this final part, we are featuring the ISEH 2024 Janet Rowley Award Winner, Robert Signer, PhD . Dr. Signer  shares his career path to becoming a PI, mentorship, advice for early career scientists, and more! Interested in hearing more about  Dr.  Signer's work?  Don’t miss his session at the ISEH 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting this September !     Robert Signer, PhD Principal Investigator, Signer Laboratory Deputy Director, Stem Cell Discovery Center Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Regenerative Medicine University of California San Diego Interviewed by Els Mansell of the ISEH New Investigators Committee. Please note that the statements made by Simply Blood Authors are their own views and not necessarily the views of ISEH. ISEH disclaims any or all liability arising from any author's statements or materials.