We love LA! - Highlights from the 2018 ISEH Annual Meeting

I have to say right at the beginning that this is not a blog. I would say that this is just a collection of positive, happy thoughts from people who love ISEH and enjoy the annual meeting (Don’t we all!). We asked one simple question:

“What did you like most about the ISEH meeting in Los Angeles?”

Here are some opinions from different people from different places including students, postdocs and faculty. Read it and maybe next time you can join us!

Timm Schroeder: 'Open air poster session with great science and under the California sun'

Peggy Goodell: “The best moment for me was realizing that 4 of my former trainees, now well-respected independent investigators in the field  (Challen, Bowman, King, McKinney-Freeman), were there, along with some of their trainees and friends and colleagues. I enjoyed getting to know their networks and hearing about their trainees’ work.”

Eva Fast: “Best moment of ISEH was definitely the poster session outside. The science (+ a little bit the California sun) was so blinding I had to wear sunglasses.”

Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid: “I particularly enjoyed the ISEH junior PI event: Meet the Editors. Sheila Chari (Cell Stem Cell), Connie Eaves (Experimental Hematology) and Peggy Goodell (Blood) did an amazing job! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Plus I found it very exciting to see such a crowded session for the first junior PI event at ISEH. Next year more to come!”

Shannon McKinney-Freeman:
“I loved the presentation by Konstantinos Kokkaliaris.  His images of the bone marrow were beautiful and his results were thought provoking and compelling.  Any time I see a talk that really gets me thinking, I find myself mentioning it to colleagues for weeks to come after a meeting and I have brought Konstantinos’ results up many times in the weeks since ISEH to my trainees and colleagues here at St. Jude.  Good stuff!”

Eirini Trompouki: “I loved this conference because all the talks seemed to be captivating and sparked my interest. In particular I was, for one more time, impressed by Stu Orkin’s talk that beautifully depicted how knowledge from the bench can transform patients’ lives. I found this really inspiring.”

Marta Derecka: “The pre-meeting workshop is a really fun event. It creates very good opportunities to network in a relaxed atmosphere, get feedback on your projects and some advice from more established colleagues. But most importantly, it's a great way for new people to introduce themselves to ISEH community.”

Katherine King: “Watching Camilla Forsberg glide across the pool on a unicorn at the party.”

Konstantinos Kokkaliaris: “I particularly enjoyed being part of the new investigators technology session for bone-marrow imaging! Was very exciting to meet fellow scientists working on different cutting-edge imaging technologies, exchange ideas and share our passion for hematopoietic research!”

Pia Theissen: "I really like the friendly atmosphere at the ISEH meeting, it is easy to approach people and everyone is happy to discuss your data at any time not only during the poster session."

Mick Milsom: “I really like the cozy atmosphere that the meeting has. There are enough people that you can get your fill of excellent science, but not too many, meaning that there is an open friendly vibe where people can easily interact. I’m always really impressed by the active participation of trainees at this meeting. It makes me feel that this field, and the society, has a bright future ahead of it.”

Peter van Galen:
“It was great to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen for a while, to meet new people and to see where the field is heading.”

Teresa Bowman: “Catching up with old friends and meeting the next generation of hematology researchers is always a sunny point at the ISEH meeting. Nancy Speck’s talk was amazing! Seeing how in-depth studies on a transcription factor led to new insights on embryonic hematopoiesis and RUNX1 diseases was fascinating. Also really loved the “naïve” super on-point question for Nancy from one of the trainees. No question is ever dumb. Trainees need to keep these insightful questions coming!”

Connie Eaves: “ISEH has an uninterrupted golden track record of superb meetings where new ideas and data are openly shared, controversies welcome and a place where the next generation can both hear and be heard. The 2018 meeting lived up to this tradition in spades - enhanced by the outdoor poster sessions that set a new level of excitement and interaction. Bravo to the organizers as well as the participants!”

Want to learn more about the ISEH Annual Scientific Meeting in Brisbane, Australia, August 22 - 25, 2019?  Visit www.iseh.org/2019Brisbane.


Eirini Trompouki
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology
and Epigenetics
Stübeweg 51, 79108
Freiburg, Germany


  1. So looking forward to ISEH Brisbane 2019!!!
    (Do they have unicorns in Australia?)


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