
Showing posts from December, 2018

Happy Holidays from ISEH

On behalf of the ISEH Publications Committee, we would like to wish you Happy Holidays!   Visit for more information on ISEH's membership, events and webinars. Don't forget to save the date in 2019 for the ISEH Annual Scientific Meeting, 22 - 25 August 2019. 

Exploring Experimental Hematology: November 2017 (Volume 55)

Exploring Experimental Hematology:   Unboxing "Tet2 restrains inflammatory gene expression in macrophages" By Cull et al. In this issue of Simply Blood, Anna Beaudin is Exploring Experimental Hematology and highlighting and deconstructing one of her favorite manuscripts from the ISEH society journal: "Tet2 restrains inflammatory gene expression in macrophages " By Cull et al. My reason for reading this paper: It provides a new perspective on mechanisms of pathology attributed to Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP), which is so hot right now.  CHIP has been implicated not only in blood disorders including leukemias, but also more recently in cardiovascular disease.  The mechanisms that drive clonal hematopoiesis from hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells is of intense interest in the field, and the study of mutations that drive clonal dominance have identified mutations in TET2 as a driver of CHIP. TET2 encodes an epigenetic regulator of hydr

Lab Spotlight: Doulatov Lab

Each month, Simply Blood spotlights a lab focused on the research of basic hematology, immunology, stem cell research, cell and gene therapy, and other related aspects.  Get to know these different labs around the world! This month, we are featuring the Doulatov Lab at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington (USA). How long have you had your lab?  It has been just over two years since I started at the University of Washington. How many members make up your lab?  Students/postdocs? Currently, our group consists of two postdocs, a student, a research scientist, an undergraduate, and a lab manager. What is the major research theme of your lab? We use primary human stem cells and pluripotent stem cells to understand basic biology of hematopoiesis, blood development, and disease. What is the most exciting project in your lab right now? Our most exciting projects uses patient iPS cells to model neoplasia, such as myelodysplastic syndromes and leukemias. Existing mouse or

We love LA! - Highlights from the 2018 ISEH Annual Meeting

I have to say right at the beginning that this is not a blog. I would say that this is just a collection of positive, happy thoughts from people who love ISEH and enjoy the annual meeting (Don’t we all!). We asked one simple question: “What did you like most about the ISEH meeting in Los Angeles?” Here are some opinions from different people from different places including students, postdocs and faculty. Read it and maybe next time you can join us! Timm Schroeder: 'Open air poster session with great science and under the California sun' Peggy Goodell: “The best moment for me was realizing that 4 of my former trainees, now well-respected independent investigators in the field  (Challen, Bowman, King, McKinney-Freeman), were there, along with some of their trainees and friends and colleagues. I enjoyed getting to know their networks and hearing about their trainees’ work.” Eva Fast: “Best moment of ISEH was definitely the poster session outside. The science (+ a littl