President's Message: Welcome to ISEH 2021!

On behalf of ISEH, the International Society for Experimental Hematology, I would like to thank you for being a part of ISEH 2021. This year we begin the celebration of 50 years of unparalleled science as coalesced around a professional society and annual international meeting. While we are not able to meet in person in 2021, we hope that this virtual meeting provides an opportunity for you to re-connect with science and colleagues from around the world. Through a combination of invited keynote speakers and oral presentations, the ISEH meeting boasts educational sessions on basic, translational and clinical hematology featuring internationally-renowned scientists as well as rising young investigators. Presenting cutting-edge research is only one of the features of the Annual Meeting. To maximize presentations and audience engagement, we again continue the sessions we started last year called “Featured Posters.” These lightning talks to advertise posters again promise ...